Happy Earth Day! What is Earth Day and how do we celebrate it?
Earth Day originated in the US in 1970 by Senator Gaylord Nelson after he witnessed a massive oil spill that leaked millions of gallons of oil off the coast of Santa Barbara, CA. In 1990, it was recognized as a National Holiday!
Earth Day was influential in passing many environmental legislations such as:
Clean Air Act
Clean Water Act
Endangered Species Act
National Environmental Education Act
and many more
A Simple Celebration of National Earth Day Can be:
Plant a tree to add some green to your space.
Ride a bike to work or school.
Go for a hike and discover native plants.
Buy produce from a local farmer’s market.
Shop sustainable brands.
Join a group that is focused on Environmental Issues
Here at Watson Distributing, we consciously strive to improve our environment. All our Thermal Receipt Rolls are BPA-free. To read more about the importance of BPA-free products, check out our BPA-free blog post. If you currently receive a mailed invoice, check with us about getting that emailed instead. Let’s enhance the environment together.
From all of us at Watson, Happy Earth Day!